The website is published by Hotels At Home SAS.

Hotels At Home - simplified joint stock company with a capital value of 37 000 €

Commercial Registry: n° 477 579 874 RCS (Pontoise)

Head office: HOTELS AT HOME 163, rue de la Belle Etoile - Business Park Paris Nord 2 – Bât 6B - 95700 ROISSY EN FRANCE - France.

VAT registration number: FR 67 477 579 874

In accordance with the Anti-Waste and Circular Economy law (most commonly called in French « Loi AGEC »), the unique registration code (URC) recorded by the Agency for Ecological Transition (ADEME) is : FR025830_10ACTI

Email address:

Phone: +33 1 41 51 51 40

Wesbite Developer: Steven Ware

Publication Manager: Steven Ware

Email address:

Web host: Amazon Services Europe SARL 38 avenue John F. Kennedy, L-1855, Luxembourg


The information provided on allows Hotels At Home to process and fulfill orders while maintaining privacy.  

We inform you that Hotels At Home SAS can outsource the processing of your data to Hotels At Home, Inc., located in the United States, in order to process your orders and/or send you marketing emails if you choose to receive them. Hotels At Home agrees to be in accordance with the French and the European law concerning protection of data with personal features and also provides an appropriate level of protection to the processing done. Nevertheless, note that we will share neither your email address nor your postal address, phone number or other personal information with any companies.

You may receive communications related to special offers, new services, or updated functionality from Swissotel at home. If you do not want to receive information, you could stop subscribing using a link incorporated into our electronic system or sending a mail to:  HOTELS AT HOME - Swissotel at home - 163, rue de la Belle Etoile - Business Park Paris Nord 2 – Bât 6B - 95700 ROISSY EN FRANCE - France.

Hotels at Home SAS can share with Accor SA the data related to your orders, the products you are interested in, your satisfaction ratings, and, where applicable, your membership to the ALL – Accor Live Limitless loyalty program. Your data may be processed by Accor SA in order to (on the basis of its legitimate interest) better understand the customers purchasing products from its hotel brands, to improve the service provided and the customer experience and (on the basis of your prior consent) to send you marketing emails. For more information on the processing of your personal data by Accor SA, please see our personal data protection charter.


In accordance with the Computer French law and liberties n° 78-17 of January 6, 1978, you are in a position to access and amend data related to you. You can exert this right sending a mail to: 

HOTELS AT HOME - Swissotel at home - 163, rue de la Belle Etoile - Business Park Paris Nord 2 – Bât 6B - 95700 ROISSY EN FRANCE - France. 


Our website uses cookies that are likely to be stored on your device (computer, tablet, smartphone, etc.) when viewing our website, depending on the choices of cookies that you have selected, and which may be changed at any time.

1) What is a cookie?
Cookies are small text files stored on your computer when visiting a website or viewing an advertisement. Their purpose is to collect information relating to your website navigation and send you personalized services. On your computer, cookies are managed by your Internet browser (see "4 - Your choices regarding cookies").

2) Cookies that we use on our website
When you connect to our website, we may need to install various cookies on your device, allowing us to recognize the browser on your device during the valid period for the cookie.

Jointly with third-party suppliers including Google, we use proprietary cookies (such as the Google Analytics cookie) and third-party cookies (such as the DoubleClick cookie).

These cookies allow us:

- To compile traffic statistics and volumes and use of various components on our website (visited topics and content, paths, etc.), allowing us to improve the interest and usability of our services;
- To adapt the presentation of our website to the display preferences of your device (language used, display resolution, operating system used, etc.) when visiting our website, depending on the hardware and software for viewing or reading that your device contains;
- To store information relating to a form that you have filled out on our website (registration or access to your account) or to products, services or information that you have chosen on our website (subscribed service, shopping cart contents, etc.);
- To allow you access to the reserved and personal spaces of our website, such as your account, through identifiers or data that you may have previously entrusted to us;
- To implement security measures (for example, when you are asked to log in again to content or a service after a certain period of time).
- Create demographics and interests reports.

In addition, some cookies, used with your consent, allow us to offer you chat services and online help. 

Google Signals:
Google Analytics may collect certain information through the use of Google Signals, which includes features such as cross-device tracking and advertising personalization for users who have opted-in to such features. The data collected through Google Signals is aggregated and depersonalized before being used for analytical purposes. This means that individual user identities are removed, and the information is presented in a way that protects user privacy. The aggregated data may be shared with other Google services, and Google may use this information to contextualize and personalize the ads of its own advertising network.

3) If you share the use of your device with other persons
We cannot guarantee that the services and advertisements intended for your device correspond well with your own use of this device and not with those of another user of this device. Sharing the use of your device with other people as well as the configuration of your browser settings in regard to cookies are your free choice and responsibility.

4)Your choices regarding cookies
Several options are available to manage cookies. Any settings that you may make will likely change your Internet browsing and your access to certain services that require the use of cookies. You can choose at any time to express and edit your preferences regarding cookies by the means described below.  

Choices offered by your web browser
You may configure your web browser so that cookies are stored on your device or they are rejected, either systematically or according to their issuer. You can also configure your web browser in such a way that you are prompted to accept or refuse cookies, before a cookie is likely to be stored on your device. For more information, see the topic "How can you make choices according to the browser that you use?

Acceptance of cookies
Storage of a cookie on a device is primarily dependent on the willingness of the device user, who may express and make changes at any time and free of charge by means of the choices offered by the web browser. If you have accepted the storage of cookies on your device using your web browser, the cookies embedded in the pages and content that you have viewed may be temporarily stored in a dedicated space on your device. They will be readable only by their issuer.

Refusal of cookies
If you refuse the storage of cookies that we issue on your device, or if you delete those that we have stored, you will no longer be able to benefit from several features that are necessary to navigate in some areas of our site. This would be the case if you were trying to access our content or services that require identification. This would also be the case when we could not recognize, for purposes of technical compatibility, the type of browser used by your device, its language settings and display or the country from which your device appears to be connected to the Internet. Where applicable, we assume no liability for the consequences related to impaired operation of our services resulting from our inability to store or view the cookies required for their operation that you have refused or deleted.

How can you make choices according to the browser that you use?
For managing cookies and your choices, the configuration of each browser is different. It is described in the Help menu of your browser, which allows you to know how to change your preferences regarding cookies.

For Internet Explorer™: Open the "Tools" menu, then select "Internet Options"; click on the "Confidentiality" tab and then choose the desired level
For Firefox™: Open the "Tools" menu, then select "Options"; click on the "Privacy" tab and then choose the desired options
For Chrome™: Open the setup menu (adjustable wrench logo), then select "Settings"; click on "Advanced Settings" and then on "Content Settings ", then choose the desired options
For Safari™: Choose "Safari > Preferences" and then click on "Security"; click on "Display Cookies", then choose the desired options
For Opera™: Open the "Tools" menu, then select "Preferences"; click on the "Advanced" tab, and then under the heading "Cookies" click on "Manage Cookies"; choose the desired options


This site uses a secure server (SSL) to encrypt all of your personal information. We use strong security measures to prevent the loss, misuse and alteration of your information once it is in our records.


The brands and logos shown on this site are trademarks registered by ACCOR SA and Accor Group subsidiaries among them SO LUXURY HMC, Swissotel or Swissotel at home brands owner or Hotels At Home, Inc. Their display here does not in any way carry with it a license or right to use the aforementioned trademarks, since they may not be used without the prior written consent of their owner. Any violations will be prosecuted for counterfeit.


All the information via this site has been provided "as is". Hotels At Home S.A.S can in no way guarantee its accuracy or reliability, either explicitly, nor can it assume any responsibility with regard to the use of this information.

Hotels At Home cannot be held liable for errors, absence or availability of information contained in this site.

The user is solely liable for their use.

Hotels At Home S.A.S reserves the right to modify at any time the present document, in particular by updating the site. Information contained in the site related to prices and availability can be change without notice. Hotels At Home S.A.S declines any liability concerning damage pertaining to the content of the site.

The user agrees not to transmit to this site any information that could involve civil or criminal liability and, therefore, agrees not to disclose via this site any information that is illegal, contrary to law and order, or defamatory.


The outside sites of the Accor Group or Hotels At Home, Inc group which have a hypertext link with the present site have no control of Accor or Hotels At Home, Inc, thus decline any liability pertaining to their content.

The creation of hypertext links to the site is subject to prior agreement from Accor or Hotels At Home. For further information you can send a message to:

Latest edition: May 4, 2022